What a wonderful day it is and it was not even past 6 am!
The team here at SDG-Assessment App have been enjoying the journey and recognise that it is an honor to be named as a semi-finalist in the Eastern #QBE 2022 #AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge.

From over 550 applicants, @LeadingCities has selected our #smartcitysolution to receive 2 months of web-based education and a possible prize of up to $150,000

We showed up today at 5 am BST to share our first draft of our 1 minute pitch, now we could not do this and not share it with you guys!

So be kind but please do give us You’re valued feedback as we are a team that is open to learning and developing.

We were also so excited to meet more of our challengers who are creating global solutions for some of our worst problems.

We heard from:

Plastics for Change – is leveraging technology to improve the quality standards for recycled plastic and creating sustainable livelihoods for the urban poor in developing countries. We have developed an ethical sourcing platform which provides a traceable supply chain solution.

Favoriot – Who are on a mission to inspire, attract, and nurture an innovative ecosystem that is confident with our technology.

Powershare – Who’s focus on the “dual-engine effect” of power and energy storage battery AI technology and distributed energy storage micro-grid application

This is just a sample of the amazing global solutions we got to hear today and in the words of Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

So come and spend time with us and the amazing community at Leading Cities

Ohh and yes as we said in the video we have gifted another women one days business training because we had such value today we want to pay-it-forward! Check out our blog on how we are doing this HERE

First day at QBE AcceliCITY
Reality of Climate Change Hits our Team!

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