
Cities for SDGs (Cities4SDGs) is a digital collaborative learning tool aimed at accelerating opportunities to build lasting partnerships to embed United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) within businesses, municipalities, towns and cities.

The Cities4SDGs programwill support Executives with

  • Learn about SDGs and C40 Cities

  • Develop a human connection with the UN SDGs

  • Implement by exploring ideas and collaborative solutions

  • Optimize by identifying opportunities to taking action

  • Sustain commitment to SDGs by networking and forming new partnerships

The Cities4SDGs tool helps executives with understanding of UN SDGs as a framework to enhance the potential of cities as low carbon ecosystems for sustainable growth.

The approach used in the Cities4SDGs tool assumes no prior awareness by providing the understanding of UN SDGs that will give candidates the confidence to pursue sustainable strategic growth.

Certificate in Sustainability Strategy

This is a two-day blended learning course that reviews the opportunities presented by sustainability strategy, it is based upon research outlined in Sustainability Footprints in SME’s.Subjects include:

  • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility – Context and Definition
  • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Dilemma
  • ©Sustainable Strategic Growth Model – a solution to the Sustainability and CSR dilemma
  • Sustainability Footprints – tools for growth
  • The Politics of Sustainability

Best practice case studies are used to assist both entrepreneurs and leaders within the organisations in implementing sustainability and CSR strategy.Within these case studies, you could apply sustainability data i.e. carbon footprint data and use it to develop useful initiatives that will help your business grow profitably. Course participants will be able to complete a Sustainability/ESG Report using the SDG Assessment app.

Diploma in Sustainability Strategy

A two-day blended learning developmental program that presents tools, management systems that enhance operational strategy to drive performance targets for sustainability aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Essential elements of the program are based on groundbreaking research outlined in the textbook entitled Management Systems and Performance Frameworks for Sustainability and build on the strategic knowledge gained on the © Certificate in Sustainability Strategy program, review the Sustainability Management Frameworks, Sustainable Development Goals and tools.

Course participants will be able to complete a Sustainability/ESG Report using the SDG Assessment app with impact benchmaking and analysis utilising the ©SPF+ Scorecard 

Training Partnership